
Paramount Coaches is pleased to offer you the following Tours around Malta

We have unparalelled experience in providing the right tours in Malta for our exisitng and prospective clients. All our tours include pick-up & return transport from hotel doorstep or cruise ship.

With Paramount Coaches you may explore the ancient temples, fortified cities, magnificent harbours and local culture on one of our Malta tours or excursions around the islands.

We provide an excellent range of Malta guided tours and Malta sightseeing tours which are operated by Paramount Coaches directly and their network of local tour operators.

If you enjoy the sea, coastal cruising and swimming in crystal clear waters you must visit the beautiful Blue Lagoon during one the Malta cruises. You can also combine your tours around Malta with the islands of Gozo and Comino, together the three islands offer the visitor an unrivalled historical and pleasurable experience.